Correlational analysis of mathematical competences of standardized tests and mathematical prerequisites in students of new entrance to Computer Engineering

  • Magally Martínez Reyes Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Anabelem Soberanes-Martín Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Juan Manuel Sánchez Soto Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México


The present work shows the correlation data about verbal reasoning, mathematical logic, analytical thinking and functional thinking, considered as mathematical competences in standardized tests, with respect to the initial mathematical knowledge that mark the curricula for students entering the race again of Engineering in Computing of the Centro Universitario Valle de Chalco, of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, in 2017, coming from different educational institutions of middle level superior of the State of Mexico. The results of the CENEVAL undergraduate entrance exam, from PLANEA for Valle de Chalco and from PISA, were taken and correlated with a 29-item diagnostic tool that includes the prerequisites of the curricula of the subjects of the first semester of the area of mathematics; basic knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, analytical geometry and differential calculus was evaluated; 50% of the population of engineering students was considered. There is a significant difference between the knowledge in mathematics required for entrance to engineering and the contents in the EXANI, assessed by means of a Pearson correlation and a comparison of means by t student. In all the instruments a low operational level of the students in the area of mathematics is obtained, which indicates that the strategies applied in the academic trajectory of the student to the average superior level have not favored its development; in this sense, it is recommended to use didactic activities using technology designed with the intention of favoring meaningful and conceptual learning, and thus to promote a performance more in line with the characteristics of the professional degree.


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How to Cite
Martínez Reyes, M., Soberanes-Martín, A., & Sánchez Soto, J. M. (2018). Correlational analysis of mathematical competences of standardized tests and mathematical prerequisites in students of new entrance to Computer Engineering. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 8(15), 946 - 974.
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