Application of PBL method and procedural Clinic on the learning of commercial procedural law

  • Eduardo Rocha Núñez Universidad de Monterrey


For the implementation of the course affected by two factors: The University momentum in a model student-centered teaching as a person and their learning and the trend in legal education to develop the skills required by the labor market.We design a course that covers both. The program included various competencies to be developed, as well as attitudes and values ​​to reinforce or develop in students.We implemented the PBL method combined with the clinical trial. Students were provided with legal problems related to course topics. Following the methodology ABP each problem was solved in three sessions, one devoted to the statement of the problem, another for research and integration of information and one for the submission of a written opinion and discussion. With the last issue raised, we performed mock trial. Teams were divided plaintiff, defendant and court, and each role development that corresponded. At a meeting held the preliminary hearing and another hearing was held trial, at which they presented their arguments orally and the court issued a ruling.


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How to Cite
Rocha Núñez, E. (2015). Application of PBL method and procedural Clinic on the learning of commercial procedural law. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 1(2), 117 - 129. Retrieved from
Social and Humanities