Application of the PBL methodology in the topic of population genetics

  • Hugo Rivas Martínez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Yaneli Trujillo Varela Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Estefania Arroyo Jilote Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Alejandro Moreno Granados Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Alfredo Juan Arnaud Bobadilla Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Throughout more than 10 generations, professors of the undergraduate degree in biology at the Faculty of Sciences of the UNAM have observed a consistently low performance among their students, in the subject of “Population Genetics” (GP), of the genetics course, particularly in the assimilation and appropriation of knowledge and skills. It was suggested that these results could be due to an eminently mechanistic teaching style that does not generate a deep reflection of the central themes of the subject, this raised the question: could the application of a didactic strategy based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) improve the expected learning and develop skills, mainly critical thinking skills in this subject? Given this background, a quasi-experimental research was carried out with the participation of 102 students, distributed in two groups: 43 students who studied the subject under a traditional teaching scheme, while 59 did it from a didactic approach based on PBL, by teams. These teams, formed randomly, were assigned activities related to the biological interaction between anemia and malaria in the Asian and African regions. The learning results obtained, after the evaluations applied to the students, showed that PBL was effective in substantially improving their performance, as well as their critical thinking skills, while the group that followed a traditional teaching model showed great difficulties in the more complex stages of the subject.


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How to Cite
Rivas Martínez, H., Trujillo Varela, Y., Arroyo Jilote, E., Moreno Granados, A., & Arnaud Bobadilla, A. J. (2025). Application of the PBL methodology in the topic of population genetics. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 15(30).
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