Emotional education in teacher training in Chile

  • Nelly Lagos San Martín Universidad del Bío-Bío


This paper focuses on the importance of incorporating emotional education in initial teacher training in Chile, which can be done through two complementary modalities: one transversal and the other integrated in the curriculum subjects. For this purpose, 18 educational models and 14 curricula of state universities that train basic education teachers were reviewed, in order to determine which of these institutions include emotional education as a relevant part of the comprehensive training of future teachers. The results indicate that comprehensive training is explicitly mentioned in all the educational models of the universities, and that, with the exception of one, all the universities have incorporated at least one subject associated with emotional education in their curricula. The subjects found fall into three categories; 1) subjects directly related to personal development and emotional education, 2) subject of formation of social skills and competencies and 3) educational orientation, a subject whose thematic axes are consistent with emotional education. These results indicate that there is a tendency to include subjects that contribute to the integral education of students, although in many of them there is no progressive line of subjects that contribute to the continuity, gradualness and systematization required by emotional education, which is why it is considered that there is still a pending challenge to correct this deficiency in education.


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How to Cite
Lagos San Martín, N. (2024). Emotional education in teacher training in Chile. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 14(28). https://doi.org/10.23913/ride.v14i28.1970
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