Milk marketing through vending machines in the state of Tabasco, Mexico

  • Juana Guerrero González Universidad Tecnológica de Tabasco
  • Ramón Ramón Castillo Universidad Tecnológica de Tabasco
  • Venilde Herrera Roldán Universidad Tecnológica de Tabasco
  • Elsy Janet Alejandro Pantoja Universidad Tecnológica de Tabasco


The aim of the investigation was to obtain information about consumers of dairy products in the state, preferences and buying habits, from which you could check for market related conditions to ensure the proper implementation of a project for the marketing of milk through vending machines in the state of Tabasco. The type of study was descriptive typical cut as it was based on the application of questionnaires to 846 families a total of 559 114 state located in the different municipalities of Tabasco, through the determination of cluster samples. His application was made by students of the Technological University of Tabasco and statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software. This research showed that the use of vending machines for the sale of milk in the state of Tabasco is displayed quite feasible since Tabasco homes manifest experience in the use of delivery mechanisms and a wide willingness to buy this food through this Such devices, regardless of prior packaging even if this represented a reduction in the price of sale of the product. It was also detected that there is a market for 26 012 families, ie almost 5 % of all households Tabasco usually acquired for daily milk fresh (raw), in quantities of 1 to 3 liters seeking freshness and economy, in outlets near your home, which could be potential of this project the market.


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How to Cite
Guerrero González, J., Ramón Castillo, R., Herrera Roldán, V., & Alejandro Pantoja, E. J. (2015). Milk marketing through vending machines in the state of Tabasco, Mexico. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 6(11), 13 - 36. Retrieved from