How to think new construction of knowledge in today's environment

  • Anahí Kullock Universidad de Buenos Aires


The work presented below is intended to address an analysis of current conditions of youth and work with it from new technologies and new learning environments. This is part of a concept of particular teaching task in which the teacher must, among other things, provide training to reason democratic ways of understanding cultural differences and inequalities that cut across these environments. This comes from an understanding of the transformative power of the teaching task and the characteristics that this should be so that education becomes liberating conducted for subjects. Not only must convert the experiences and information into knowledge, we must also teach learn to know each other, to diversity.Today the teenager (and society in general) has a unique opportunity to capture in a public space that you want to tell or reveal their lives. Expression is an unprecedented opportunity to be addressed, but at the same time look to be performed intelligently and responsibly, both for their own expressions as those of others. From the new environments that possibility of expression has an impact on the configuration of the individuals and social aspects of young people. The idea is to reflect on how to give voice to those subjects that traditionally have been silenced, but also taught to be respectful criteriosos from this tool. It discusses the use of forums and hypertext, among others, to see the role they occupy in the new constructions of knowledge and how to use them as teaching tools. Latter in relation not only to the knowledge imparted in a curriculum for the different areas but also to the development of the construction of subjectivities and modes of socialization possible and desirable for youth. From new cultures and recognize their needs and possibilities will be more permeable to adapt to new environments features, not forgetting that this is a job that had to be addressed in all ages, not just the current one.


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How to Cite
Kullock, A. (2015). How to think new construction of knowledge in today’s environment. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 1(1), 88 - 101. Retrieved from
Education And Educational Technology