The use of the Smartphone in the development of Digital Competences in the Subject Photography Workshop II, of the Veracruzana University


In the current era, Higher Education Institutions (IES) are in the urgent need to transfigure their educational policies and their teaching - learning models. It talks about the innovative ways of thinking that permeate the 21st century, where you move towards the knowledge of reality and the acquisition of competencies. The research takes studies in the educational context as a frame of reference and it is contextualized through daily activity. The purpose of this research is to describe the concepts that define the textual corpus through the validation of the scientific data obtained from the qualitative paradigm and the information provided by the action research technique. Its objective is to analyze the development of digital competencies in the training of students of the subject of Photography Workshop II. The subjects investigated are students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences and Techniques, of the Universidad Veracruzana (University of Veracruz), where the results obtained account for the observation and participation of 30 students, who during the term time February - July 2016, were part of of the study, the evidences and the data provided in the collection of information recount the development of their digital competencies, mainly in the use and appropriation of the photographic camera as an instrument of work and of the underutilization of electronic devices such as the case of tablets and Smartphone. The subjects investigated are students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences and Techniques, belonging to the Universidad Veracruzana (University of Veracruz), where the results obtained account for the observation and participation of 30 students, who during the term time February - July 2016, were part of the study. The evidences and the data provided in the collection of information recount the development of their digital competencies, mainly in the use and appropriation of the photographic camera as an instrument of work and of the underutilization of electronic devices such as the case of tablets and Smartphone.


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How to Cite
Casco López, J. (2018). The use of the Smartphone in the development of Digital Competences in the Subject Photography Workshop II, of the Veracruzana University. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 9(17), 112 - 140.
Scientific articles