Teaching School History Discipline from a Contemporary Approach: A Proposal of Research Agendas from the Web of Science and Scopus

  • Patricio Guzmán Contreras Universidad del Bío-Bío


Research agendas are characterized by being pieces of research grouped in a specific field to understand a particular theoretical dimension and generate epistemological clarity of the topics. The objective of this study was to know the research topics of history teaching from a contemporary approach in three journals indexed in Web Of Science (WOS) and one in Scopus, taking as a frame of reference the disciplinary code of school history proposed by Cuesta (1997). With a mixed approach and a simple random sample, the abstracts of 60 journal articles published between 2015 to 2022 were analyzed, with emphasis on themes, research questions and methodologies. The agendas that emerged were: "Teaching practices", "Valuing the teaching of the historical discipline", "Education for social justice", "Education based on the development of skills" and "Characteristics of the school historical discipline". The results show that the highest number of agendized articles are in the journals Estudios Pedagógicos and British Educational Research Journal, 55 and 42 respectively, while the New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies has the least number of classified articles, with 13. The agendas with the highest number of publications are "Teaching practices" and "Education based on skills development". Regarding the methodology of the corpus of articles, the largest numbers are centered on the qualitative approach; only five publications were found with a quantitative approach, while the mixed method accounted for 13 % of the total. Finally, all the agendas contribute to understanding the teaching of the school history discipline from a contemporary approach and to developing skills for the 21st century.


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How to Cite
Guzmán Contreras, P. (2023). Teaching School History Discipline from a Contemporary Approach: A Proposal of Research Agendas from the Web of Science and Scopus. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 13(26). https://doi.org/10.23913/ride.v13i26.1398
Scientific articles